Brenda - ACO

I'd like to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Brenda Wentworth, I was born in Landsthul Germany, I'm an Air Force brat lol. I am the founder/creator of Alternative Choices Official (ACO).

We moved to the United States when I was only 3 years old. I grew up in Tacoma Washington Brenda and when I was 19 I had my only son. In 1999 I moved to the mountains (Mt. Rainer) to a quaint little town called Ashford. I then moved to Morton Washington, a beautiful little town close to Mt. Rainer and lived there until April of 2015 when I decided to move back to my home town of Tacoma, I guess you can't take the city out of the girl!

My passion is to create a cultural movement to spread awareness and help gain acceptance of Hemp, CBD and AHO products. And making those products socially acceptable and accessible throughout the world. This is me in a nutshell, its nice to meet y'all!

♥ Brenda